| | | Frequently Asked Questions | 1. Academic Advising 2. Advanced Placement 3. Courses 4. Degrees 5. DegreeWorks 6. Diplomas 7. Enrollment 8. Enrollment Exceptions 9. General Education/Breadth 10. Grades 11. Other Institutions 12. Privacy 13. Transcripts 14. Verifications 15. Waitlists 16. WebRoster and WebGrades 17. Miscellaneous 1. Academic Advising -
A. I would like to speak with an academic advisor. Is this the right office for me to contact? - No. The Registrar's Office does not provide academic advising. Each school has an Academic Advising Office with academic counselors to advise students in that school. This includes enrollment counseling.
2. Advanced Placement 3. Courses 4. Degrees 5. DegreeWorks 6. Diplomas 7. Enrollment 8. Enrollment Exceptions -
A. When may I submit an Enrollment Exception request? - You may submit an Enrollment Exception request beginning Monday of the 3rd week of instruction. The enrollment deadline for adds, drops, and changes is the end of the 2nd week of instruction.
B. Can I request an Enrollment Exception to drop at 5:01 p.m. Friday of the 2nd week of instruction? - No. You can request an Enrollment Exception beginning Monday of the 3rd week of instruction at 8:00 a.m.
C. Where should I go to make an Enrollment Exception request? - Log into StudentAccess and click on Applications in the navigation menu. From there, click on the Enrollment Exceptions tab.
D. Who approves or denies my Enrollment Exception request? - Depending on your request, your Enrollment Exception will require approvals from two or three of the following:
- 1. Instructor of record (or designee)
- 2. Dean of the department offering the Course (or designee)
- 3. Dean of your Major (or designee)
- Further information can be found on our Enrollment Exception approval process chart.
E. How long will it take to process my Enrollment Exception request? - The Enrollment Exception process requires multiple approvals and each required approval is typically reviewed within 2-3 business days.
F. How will I be notified if my request has been approved or denied? - You must return to the Applications section in StudentAccess to review the status of your Enrollment Exception request. Monitoring the status is the responsibility of the student.
G. My Enrollment Exception request was denied, what can I do? - First, make sure you have carefully read any messages sent to you and complied with any requests necessary to approve your Enrollment Exception request. If you have done so and your request was denied, you have the option to resubmit your Enrollment Exception request, but there is no guarantee that your subsequent request will be approved.
H. Is there a fee for submitting an Enrollment Exception request? - Beginning Monday of the third week on instruction, a single fee of $3 will be charged for all approved enrollment transactions that are submitted on the same day, and will be billed on ZOT Account Online.
I. All I want to do is change discussions, but keep the same lecture. How can I do this? - If you would like to only exchange the zero (0.0) unit components of your course (e.g., a zero unit discussion or zero unit lab), but remain enrolled in the component that has units (e.g., 4.0 unit lecture), use the switching option in the Enrollment Exception menu. This will permit you to exchange zero (0.0) unit components without having to drop the component that carries the units for the course.
J. What is switching? - Switching is the process of exchanging one zero-unit co-class that is linked to a unit bearing class for a different zero-unit co-class that is linked to the same unit bearing class.
K. Can I switch in WebReg? - No. Switches are requested via Enrollment Exceptions after the Enrollment by Window and Open Enrollment periods have passed.
9. General Education/Breadth -
A. Can you provide something in writing stating that I have completed my General Education/Breadth requirements? - The Registrar's Office does not monitor nor evaluate General Education/Breadth requirements. Contact your academic advising office.
10. Grades 11. Other Institutions 12. Privacy -
A. How do I remove my address and phone number from the UCI directory? - Use StudentAccess to update the options to release and publish your student address and phone information.
- You can select "do not release to the public" and/or "do not publish in the campus directory" for your student address and phone data, and for your permanent address and phone data.
- The campus directory is updated nightly by OIT. Therefore, changes made through StudentAccess will be reflected the following day.
B. My son/daughter is a UCI student. I would like to view their grades, class schedule, etc. How may I gain access to this information? - When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a post-secondary institution regardless of age, the privacy rights guaranteed by FERPA and the UC Privacy Policy are transferred to the student. Consequently, only non-restricted Directory Information (Public Information) may be released to a third party, including parents and legal guardians.
- To view anything other than Directory Information, you should request the information directly from your son/daughter. Both unofficial transcripts and class schedules are printable and available to the student, free of charge, at the Registrar's Office.
- Further information regarding FERPA and the UC Privacy Policy can be found on our Privacy Page.
13. Transcripts -
A. How do I order an official transcript? - Official transcripts can be ordered online, in person (suspended during COVID-19) or by email. Detailed information on ordering official transcripts is available on our page on Official Transcripts.
B. What is the fastest way for me to obtain my transcript? - 1. Online. Transcripts may be ordered online using a major credit card or a check card (debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo) when ordering online through Parchment. Ordering online eliminates the need to send your request to the Registrar's Office by mail, thereby allowing the processing of your transcript order to begin sooner. Typically, transcripts are sent on the same business day during processing days Monday through Friday. (Transcript processing does not occur during University holidays and recesses. Therefore transcripts ordered during Winter Recess will not be processed until the campus reopens in January.)
- 2. In person. Official transcripts are issued immediately upon request and payment. Payment may be made by cash or check during the Central Cashier's business hours. You must bring photo ID. To authorize another individual to pick up your transcript for you, refer to the related question in the transcript section of our FAQ.
C. May I authorize someone else to obtain my transcript for me? - Please note: third-party transcript pick-ups are suspended during Covid-19. The following applies when in-person services resume at the Registrar's office.
- Yes. You may authorize another person to obtain your transcript for you. To do so, you must provide the person or the Registrar's Office with a signed letter authorizing him/her to obtain copies of your transcript. Your letter must include the following:
- • the specific name of the person you are authorizing
- • your name
- • your Student ID number (if known)
- • your birth date
- • last four digits of your Social Security Number (if you have one)
- • your signature
- Your authorized representative must provide a valid photo ID. Therefore, indicating "my mom" or "my friend" will not be sufficient.
- Your authorized representative must arrive during the Central Cashier's business hours, to pay any applicable fees for your transcript. The Central Cashier does not accept credit or debit cards for payment.
- You may pay for your transcript order online using a major credit card through Parchment and send your transcript directly to a third-party.
D. I am a current or former student. Can a third party (e.g., employer) order my academic transcript directly? - No. You may pay for your transcript order online using a major credit card through Parchment and send your transcript directly to a third-party.
E. I am a third party (e.g., an employer). How can I obtain an academic transcript for a current or former UCI student? - Please direct the student to order an official transcript directly from Parchment and designate you as the recipient
F. May I pay for my transcript with a credit or debit card? - You may pay for your transcript with a credit card when ordering online through Parchment. Transcript requests made in person or through the mail must be paid to the Central Cashier.
G. I am a foreign resident and do not have a US bank account. How may I pay for my transcript? - You may pay for your transcript with a credit card when ordering online through Parchment.
- Alternatively, the Central Cashier accepts international money orders, made payable to: UC REGENTS.
H. While ordering my transcript online, I was informed that there is a hold on my record. Will my transcript order be processed? - No. If there is a hold on your record your order will be canceled. If you are a current student, sign in to WebReg or StudentAccess to view any holds on your student record, and then contact the office that placed the hold. Links to WebReg and StudentAccess are available on the University Registrar's website.
- If you are not a current student, contact the University Registrar who will direct you to the appropriate office to resolve the hold. The University Registrar is available from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding University holidays).
I. What is the difference between official and unofficial transcripts? - The major difference between paper official and unofficial transcripts is the paper they are printed on.
- Official transcripts are printed on official transcript paper that contains the University Seal, the Registrar's signature, and a variety of security features to prevent the use of duplicate or fraudulent copies. Similarly, electronic transcripts are generated on PDFs with similar security features, and also contain the University Seal and the Registrar's signature.
- Unofficial transcripts are printed on regular blank white paper and may be photocopied, should you require multiple unofficial copies. Unofficial Transcripts do not have UCI or University of California, Irvine printed on the transcript. Electronic unofficial transcripts are not available.
- Selecting which type of transcript to order should be determined based on what you need the transcript for. If an institution or employer requires an official sealed transcript, then you should obtain an official transcript. However, if an official transcript is not required, or if it is for your own personal use, a free unofficial transcript should be sufficient.
- Official transcripts reflect a cumulative gpa and total units completed at the end of the transcript. Unofficial transcripts will reflect this information as well, however they will also show a quarterly running total of units completed and GPA.
J. What is the difference between an official transcript and a verification? - An official transcript will show your entire UCI academic record. A verification will show specific information you select (e.g., enrollment status, good student discount status, loan deferment eligibility, degrees awarded).
- It is possible that a verification can provide your requestor all the necessary information without providing a complete record of your entire academic history.
K. I'm ordering multiple official paper transcripts to be sent directly to me, will they all be individually sealed? - Yes. If you order multiple official paper copies to be sent to you directly, each transcript will be individually sealed in an official transcript envelope. If you have both undergraduate and graduate records, each complete set will be individually sealed.
- Reasons why some students order multiple official transcripts sent to them directly:
- • so they may attach official transcripts themselves to their applications
- • in order to hand deliver their official transcripts
- • to keep official transcripts on hand for future use
L. Will you reseal my official transcript envelope once I've opened it? - No. Once your official paper transcript envelope has been opened, we will not reseal it, nor will we place it in a new envelope for you.
- You will always have the option of purchasing a new copy. If you want to see what is on your transcript without opening it, request a free unofficial copy.
M. My official transcript requires an attachment. Is there an additional fee for this? - No. There is no additional fee for attachments.
- Some institutions require forms to be attached to official transcripts for identification and processing purposes. We attach these forms to transcripts prior to sealing official transcript envelopes. You may also include electronic attachments to your electronic transcript order via Parchment.
- We will not place letters, notes, Post-its, etc., inside official transcript envelopes. We will forward these, along with your transcript in a larger envelope that will contain your correspondence and sealed transcript. However, we recommend that you send any correspondence directly to the institution.
N. May I email my transcript request? -
O. I have both undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Can I have only my graduate transcript sent? - Yes. When ordering via Parchment, you may designate with transcript to send. Students wishing to request both undergraduate and graduate transcripts will need to submit two separate orders.
P. Can you send an electronic version of my transcript? - Yes. You may order official transcripts via Parchment.
Q. Why doesn't my transcript show my work in progress (WIP) courses? - UCI transcripts do not include work in progress for a current quarter. They only list courses and grades from completed terms in attendance. If you need documentation of your work in progress, you may order an enrollment verification, requesting that it list your current courses.
R. I took courses through the UCI Division of Continuing Education (University Extension). How may I get transcripts for those courses? - The Registrar's Office does not maintain records for course work taken through the Division of Continuing Education. If you need transcripts for courses taken through the Division of Continuing Education, please visit their website.
S. Will the Concurrent Enrollment courses I took through the Division of Continuing Education be posted on my UCI transcript? - UCI students will have the units and grade points of courses taken through Continuing Education transferred to their record when they have been admitted or readmitted to regular student status. This applies only to Concurrent Enrollment courses taken during the Winter 2009 term or later.
T. When should I order my transcript so that it will include my most recent grades? - Generally, your final grades are available two business days after the end of the final exam period.
- To view the date official transcripts are available, refer to the current Quarterly Academic Calendar in the section labeled Quarter Activity.
- Students with an active UCInetID may also verify the posting of their grades by viewing their transcript on StudentAccess.
U. When should I order my transcript so that it will include my degree? - You may order your transcripts at any time. Generally your degree will be posted to your transcript six to eight weeks after the end of the final exam period.
- To view the date degrees post to transcripts, refer to the current Quarterly Academic Calendar in the section labeled Quarter Activity.
- Students with an active UCInetID may also verify the posting of their degree(s) by viewing their transcript on StudentAccess.
V. When will my degree be posted to my transcript? - To view the date degrees post to transcripts, refer to the current Quarterly Academic Calendar in the section labeled Quarter Activity.
W. I recently graduated. How soon may I obtain official transcripts that will reflect my degree awarded? - There is a six to eight week period after instruction ends before degree information is available on official transcripts. To verify the posting of your degree, view your transcript on StudentAccess.
X. My official transcript was never received. Can you resend it? - Yes. We can resend your official transcript to the same recipient address free of charge if all of the following conditions apply:
- • You have verified with the recipient that your official transcript was not received.
- • At least thirty calendar days have passed since your official transcript was sent.
- • No more than ninety days have passed since your official transcript was sent.
- You always have the option to reorder your transcript.
14. Verifications 15. Waitlists -
A. I dropped a discussion in order to add a different discussion, but by the time I tried to add the new discussion, it was full. As a result I was dropped from the lecture as well. What can I do to enroll in this course? - If the lecture is full, waitlist the lecture and a discussion.
- If the lecture is open:
- • Enroll in the lecture
- • Enroll in an open discussion (even if it is not your first choice)
- • Waitlist your preferred discussion
- If a seat becomes available, the waitlist system will drop you from the enrolled discussion and add you into your preferred waitlisted discussion.
- View our example scenarios for more information.
16. WebRoster and WebGrades 17. Miscellaneous -
A. What higher education codes are used to identify UCI? - There are two codes used to identify UCI. Which one you use depends on the agency requesting the identification number.
- UCI Code 004859 should be used with:
- • CEEB
- • CSS
- • ETS
- UCI Code 001314 should be used with:
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