Global Women Nannies Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy Reviews

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Mar xix, 2014 rated it it was ok
This is a collection of essays, which mostly means you're getting a mixed bag. I didn't go in expecting the most super radical thing ever but I was hoping for a bit more.

I guess what I constitute well-nigh disappointing was the focus on white, Western, professional person-form women'southward perspectives — in particular, how they tin be squeamish employers of Third Earth women. Who gives a shit? Arlie Russell Hochschild's "Beloved and Gold" begins as an incisive analysis of how caring labour, similar natural resources, is ex

This is a drove of essays, which generally means you're getting a mixed bag. I didn't go in expecting the well-nigh super radical thing e'er just I was hoping for a scrap more than.

I guess what I found nearly disappointing was the focus on white, Western, professional-course women's perspectives — in particular, how they can exist overnice employers of Third Earth women. Who gives a shit? Arlie Russell Hochschild'south "Love and Gold" begins equally an incisive analysis of how caring labour, like natural resources, is extracted from the Tertiary World to the Showtime. Third World mothers often drift to be nannies, leaving their ain children in the care of local nannies, a process that obviously causes a lot of grief on both ends. Migrant nannies with children at abode will often openly admit that they requite their bosses' children the love they can't requite their own. This honey is often attributed by employers and agencies to romanticised cultures with more family values and less materialism, rather than what it in fact is — an expression of the need to love of women who have had to prioritise money over their own family unit life.

Just and then Hochschild goes into some weird liberal argument most how we just need to make sure the whole thing is improve regulated. Most of these women would non exist leaving their families and communities if they weren't pushed into information technology past the impoverishment of centuries of imperialism. What is needed is a reversal of that imperial human relationship, only Hochschild's non daring enough to imagine that.

Susan Cheever's "The Nanny Dilemma" was even worse — she's an employer of domestic workers who interviews a formy nanny of hers, terminal that nannies oft accept information technology tough. Her closing argument is that Western women employing nannies and the nannies they employ are more than similar than nosotros might recall — they're both working women who've called to put their free energy away from their own kids and into building a career. Ane of these women gets to see her own kid at the finish of a working 24-hour interval, one doesn't, it'due south non comparable, fuck you.

Similarly, Ehrenreich really actually wants us to focus on how all women are oppressed past men's unwillingness to contribute to caring labour. This is fine every bit far as it goes, I agree with her, her essay ("Maid to Measure") isn't bad exactly. Just again, information technology centres the experience of white Western professional women who utilise nannies and domestic workers to do the housework they eschew.

In that location were some high points. "Filipina Workers in Hong Kong Homes: Household Rules and Regulations", by Nicole Constable, was very practiced, and made me wanna read her book on the aforementioned topic. Her ethnographic methods meant that she prioritised the voices and analysis of the Filipina migrant workers she interviewed. The focus of her piece was on the workers' rage, humiliation, and resistance around their employers' micromanagement of their work, their personal habits, and even the length of their hair. Hardly the stuff of lurid tabloids, it'due south an everyday ability conflict that'due south reflective of the day to day lives and struggles of a disempowered migrant group. (Information technology made me think a lot of Andrea's checklists for her nannies in Real Housewives of Melbourne, and her assertion that her nanny-wrangling skills make her a model for "working women". D:) "Clashing Dreams: Highly Educated Overseas Bridges and Low-Wage United states of america Husbands" by Hung Cam Thai, "Among Women: Migrant Domestics and their Taiwanese Employers Across Generations" by Pei-Chia Lan, and "Selling Sex for Visas: Sex activity Tourism as a Stepping-Stone to International Migration", by Denise Brennan, are likewise well worth reading.

In contrast, "Considering she looks like a child" by Kevin Bales is a highly vague and sensationalised have on sex trafficking. It opens with a actually atrocious, tragic instance study of the debt bondage of a xv-twelvemonth-old daughter working in a brothel. After that shocking image, we're given cipher from sexual activity workers or trafficked women themselves — nothing in their own words. It's all the perspective of Kevin and the organisations he chooses to cite — and very little is actually cited. A lot of big numbers are thrown around with nothing to dorsum them up. There's no distinction made betwixt women who choose to enter the sex manufacture who had a lot of options, women who didn't have many options, and women who were tricked and forced into the industry. (Plus, Bales completely ignores the beingness of sex workers who are not cis women, even though they're a large and visible proportion of sex workers in Thailand.) And I mean, very few of the states are fortunate plenty to accept total freedom to choose the industry we piece of work in and the conditions of our work, it'south non black-and-white. Merely there's a divergence, all the same, and it's extremely disingenous to pretend that there'south not. Saskia Sassen'southward essay subsequently in the book is also guilty of collapsing these distinctions. If y'all seek out actual sexual practice workers' voices, you'll find that frequently even women who are hyper-exploited have strong criticisms of the anti-trafficking movement, in particular its focus on state intervention. I have criticisms of the piece of work of Laura Agustin (acknowledge information technology, she'due south a fleck of a liberal) but I recall Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry is a strong and necessary critique of many anti-trafficking initiatives, exposing them equally oftentimes violent, coercive, dishonest, and unconcerned with the most desperately underpaid and demeaning employment as long as it'south non sexual activity-related.

But very few of the pieces in this drove appoint with state violence, the materiality of the border, the bureaucracy of visa classes, the precarity induced by the border, capitalism itself. Most of the essays are similar "hmm, migrant women are peculiarly vulnerable to abuse considering they're frightened of arrest and deportation, seems similar that'due south only a fact of life, maybe we need more than regulation of industries with lots of migrant workers". It's articulate that a major factor in the vulnerability of migrant women workers is the edge itself, and the colonial relationships that drew those borders and militarised them. I'm not asking for some kind of anarchist manifesto here, but I wish at that place was a little bit of questioning of the structural conditions causing this vulnerability, a little scrap less of a focus on the moral questions plaguing the soul of the white Western bourgeoisie.

Apr 06, 2009 rated it liked it
This is a terribly depressing read, just because it's a terribly depressing subject: white, Western women are able to enjoy their postfeminist equality, simply just by (under)paying non-white migrant workers to clean their homes and expect after their children. It's a damning, seemingly-unsolvable problem and one that I wanted to know more well-nigh. Merely I actually had to force myself to go along reading, because it's a topic that contains such upsetting truths.

There are some cracking articles in the book, but

This is a terribly depressing read, simply considering it'south a terribly depressing subject field: white, Western women are able to enjoy their postfeminist equality, but only by (under)paying non-white migrant workers to clean their homes and look afterwards their children. It's a damning, seemingly-unsolvable problem and one that I wanted to know more about. Simply I actually had to force myself to keep reading, because it's a topic that contains such upsetting truths.

There are some not bad articles in the book, simply I'm not crazy nigh their organisation. From an editorial point of view, information technology seems slapdash -- almost as if someone ran a JStor search and threw together any article they could find that mentioned female person migrant workers. As a effect, some of the articles are pure academia, some are journalistic. It'due south an odd mix. The collection also ends upwards being very repetitive on some subjects.

I tin can't help simply feel that Global Woman was thrown together to capitalize on the success of Nickel and Dimed -- and, actually, this couldn't be a more different book. I enjoyed Dimed for its claustrophobic, personal camber -- this is just a collection of essays, with niggling to tie information technology together. It's a worthy subject, simply a heavy read, and I wish more care had gone into its compilation.

Jun 08, 2020 rated it it was ok
How do you have a drove that deals with globalized transnational work force and not engage with core and essential topics like capitalism, colonialism/imperialism, state violence, and the edge and visa regime? Structural issues are essentially missing from this almost exclusively white, liberal western-axial professional class perspective. I was disgusted by Susan Cheever'due south essay 'The Nanny Dilemma'. That piece is so next level ninety'south whitefeminism, I almost gave upwards. Arlie Russell Hochsch How do you lot accept a collection that deals with globalized transnational work strength and not engage with core and essential topics like capitalism, colonialism/imperialism, land violence, and the border and visa regime? Structural issues are essentially missing from this almost exclusively white, liberal western-axial professional class perspective. I was disgusted by Susan Cheever's essay 'The Nanny Dilemma'. That piece is so next level 90'due south whitefeminism, I almost gave up. Arlie Russell Hochschild'due south and Barbara Ehrenhrich'south do not historic period this collection well at all with the classist and racist undertones.
At that place were a few gems that should be mentioned that kept this drove from being a complete neglect- Hung Cam Thai's 'Clashing Dreams: highly educated overseas brides and low-wage U.S. husbands.
Nicole Constable'due south Filipina Workers in Hong Kong Homes: household rules and relations and Pei-Chia Lan's Among Women:Migrant Domestics and Their Taiwanese Employers across generations.
...more than
Jul 05, 2008 rated it liked it
I picked this book to read because I thought it was past Barbara Erenreich. Instead it is a drove of essays that is edited by her. (She did actually write 1 of the essays.) I as well didn't realize it was just essays, not a contiguous study of women in the global economy. That was a little dissapointing. Only equally an essay got interesting, it was over and the next ane was boring.

But I would like to speak about the second to last essay. It was nigh Vietnamese (or Korean...I already forgot!) wome

I picked this volume to read because I thought information technology was by Barbara Erenreich. Instead information technology is a drove of essays that is edited by her. (She did actually write I of the essays.) I also didn't realize it was just essays, not a contiguous study of women in the global economic system. That was a piffling dissapointing. Simply every bit an essay got interesting, it was over and the side by side i was boring.

But I would like to speak about the 2d to concluding essay. It was about Vietnamese (or Korean...I already forgot!) women who are highly educated that cull to marry low wage Vietnamese (or Korean) men who live in America. The essayist refers to those women as 'unmarriagebles' and that's why they have to ally in these odd combos. As a Mormom woman who did not get married until she was near 27, I remember I was considered to exist an 'unmarriagable'. That was part of the reason those people were not marriagable: they were past marrying age.

Well, that is a load of crap. I was always very marriagable. Can yous still be marriageable after you get married? If so, I call up I am still marriageable. Simply oh human I hated when people would compassion me for not being married. Or not dating anyone. Pity didn't help me at all! I only couldn't observe anyone who would fifty-fifty engagement me, let alone Ally me. Don't rub it in, people!

At my little sister'due south wedding (I don't resent her for beating me to the wedding stuff, but I sort of despised a lot of the people who attended) every chat I had when like this:

Wedding ceremony Invitee: Oh, Emily, how are you?!
Emily: Peachy.
WG: Are you lot married yet?
Emily: Nope.
WG: Dating anyone?
Emily: Uh, no.
WG: Didn't you go to BYU?
Emily: Yes, I went to SCHOOL. (What in the heck does that have to exercise with my unmarried-ness????!?!)
WG: Oh (sad puppy dog face). Well, there'south probably all the same promise. (Implied: You are 23...hopeless.)


Ok, and so I don't remember anyone is seriously unmarriageable. No one. Fifty-fifty the stinky or nerdy people in the world. They just have to find the correct lucifer. And information technology doesn't happen for everyone at age 18.

I remember there was a girl who I had some classes with at BYU. I thought of her every bit Gowron. Who's Gowron? Are yous serious? He's the leader of the Klingons. Duh. The one with buggy eyes. And he's non very friendly. Anyways, then subsequently summer suspension Miss Gowron came back wearing a wedding ceremony ring. Ok, that made me feel like a little bit of a loser. I was sure I had more possible wedlock matches than could she find her'south first?! Anyways, and then I saw her with the guy. She was big and burly. He was little and mousy. Very VERY interesting combo. Y'all could hear her bossing him around all the way across the lobby of the science building. I expected to see her throw him over her shoulder and march away sometimes.

I always wondered who asked who on the first date. Or was it an order? And what was information technology like when he took her habitation to meet HIS parents? Were they delighted? Scared? TERRIFIED? I would give anything to have been a fly on the wall!

So, dorsum to the book: wow. At that place are a lot of women who struggle in some pretty hard situations around the earth. Can y'all imagine living in some other country than your family does and wiping some old lady'south barrel in order to provide for your family unit? How sad.

I read this book at the same fourth dimension as I read 'Confessions of a Slacker Wife'. Weird contrast. They mix equally well as diet coke and mentos.

May 25, 2020 rated it really liked it
4.5 stars -
An excellent drove of essays focusing on the femininization of the migrant piece of work force, the mass migration of women from Southward to North, and its global touch. Largely unreported topic but one of huge significance. The essays cover a wide range of topics, from Vietnamese mail-order brides, to migrant domestics and their Taiwanese employers dealing with the notion of filial piety in the modern age, to sexual exploitation of women and girls in Thailand.

I am dropping a 1/2 star beca

4.5 stars -
An fantabulous collection of essays focusing on the femininization of the migrant work force, the mass migration of women from South to North, and its global impact. Largely unreported topic just i of huge significance. The essays embrace a broad range of topics, from Vietnamese mail-order brides, to migrant domestics and their Taiwanese employers dealing with the notion of filial piety in the modern historic period, to sexual exploitation of women and girls in Thailand.

I am dropping a 1/ii star because of the essay 'Selling Sexual practice for Visas'. The author portrays exploited women equally making independent choices to be sex workers, yet readily admits that their lives are dangerous, that they have no other options in order to survive, that they are abused and abased by the men who buy them. This sort of 3rd wave Pick Feminism hypocrasy was incredibly offensive and contradictory. Otherwise, the volume was excellent.

Simon Wood
Jul 28, 2013 rated information technology actually liked it
Woman OF THE World

I've always got time for the journalist Barbara Ehrenreich's robust writing since I was lent "Nickel and Dimed: Undercover in Low-wage America" a few years back. In this book, published in 2002, Ehrenreich along with Arlie R Hochschild accept collected a variety of essays that look at how the state of affairs of woman has changed in the terminal couple of decades as the world economy has become increasingly globalised.

The contributions, as to be expected in collections such as this, vary i


I've always got time for the journalist Barbara Ehrenreich's robust writing since I was lent "Nickel and Dimed: Hole-and-corner in Depression-wage America" a few years back. In this book, published in 2002, Ehrenreich along with Arlie R Hochschild take nerveless a multifariousness of essays that look at how the state of affairs of adult female has inverse in the concluding couple of decades equally the globe economic system has get increasingly globalised.

The contributions, as to be expected in collections such every bit this, vary in tone and quality. All except iii are by academics, a surprising amount of the academics are anthropologists whose fashion verges on the detached in marked contrast to the forthright writing one usually expects of Ehrenreich. The majority of the contributions are focused on the issue of female person migrant workers; those who get out their homes in less adult countries to take on piece of work as nannies, maids and cleaners in the richer countries of the world. The extent of this trade is enormous. Countries such as the Philippines and Sri Lanka receive billions of dollars yearly from millions of contract workers who work in the Gulf States, the U.S. and other countries. The precarious position of these workers, the attitudes of their employers and their frequently-exploitative working weather condition are in many cases appalling. The irony, which is fabricated clear, is that these workers are "imported" to acquit out the caring and cleaning that rich professional person woman are unable to carry out in the two total-time worker model that has developed in the west, and the fact that their male person counterparts will not share the brunt of domestic duties. More than ane of the writers makes the pertinent signal that this care deficit in the richer countries is filled past cheap foreign labour, and that this leaves a care deficit in the poorer countries of the world. One of the contributions details the experience of families in the Philippines whose mothers now work abroad, and the difficulties for those at both ends.

A few of the essays bargain with the sex-trade in it's mod state, both the "import" of woman into the due west likewise every bit those areas of the world that take become destinations for sex-tourism, generally past men. One of the contributions in this expanse I idea was pretty dismal. Denise Brennan, in her work on sexual practice-tourism in the Dominican Republic goes to excessive lengths to assert the "agency" and the ability of the sexual practice worker to "react and resist". She states "Dominican sex workers use sex, romance, and marriage as means of turning [the] sex activity trade into a site of opportunity and possibility". Zip in the case studies she cites lead me to believe these assertions were tenable, and that the "opportunity and possibility" were anything other than the necessary delusions that those involved in sex work clung to in order to get through the days and weeks of doing what they have to practise in lodge to escape brutal poverty in a country that has had no opportunity for economic and social development.

Despite a couple of other beneath par essays that showroom the Academics concerned less than total commitment to making themselves articulate, it was still a volume that opened a window on an nether-written aspect of globalization. On that ground it was worth reading.

May xiv, 2017 rated it did non similar it
This book tries to be pro-woman in information technology'due south defense of domestic workers, but ends up being anti-feminist in the double standards and expectations placed on the affluent women who choose to leave the home for college pay. Information technology is a family conclusion​ to rent a nanny or a maid, yet the authors repeatedly​ arraign the mothers for having someone else raise their children. No mention of the fathers who leave the home.

Ehrenreiech and Hochschild utilise hyperbole to describe the horrors of beingness a domestic worker an

This book tries to be pro-adult female in it's defense of domestic workers, but ends upwardly beingness anti-feminist in the double standards and expectations placed on the affluent women who choose to leave the home for higher pay. It is a family determination​ to hire a nanny or a maid, still the authors repeatedly​ blame the mothers for having someone else enhance their children. No mention of the fathers who get out the home.

Ehrenreiech and Hochschild use hyperbole to describe the horrors of existence a domestic worker and the evilness of those women who employ them in a cringe​y and heart rolling worth essays with so many gender double standards.

In an article discussing how Philippines women are leaving the home for better opportunities abroad equally nannies and domestic workers, the author implies a sense of blame to the affluent women who are breaking up Filipino homes. While the article discussed the fact that these Filipinas are able to make much more coin away than at dwelling and give meliorate opportunities for their own children, there seems to be no blame on the office of Filipino men leaving the dwelling house for migrant work, a pattern which has gone on for years. If now there are greater opportunities for women abroad, why aren't the men being called on to stay home and back up the family? The writer implies that we in the western world should practise more to ensure there are domestic opportunities for piece of work within the Philippines and other migratory countries. How nosotros should practise this is not quite clear.

Another article discussed the "servile" and "humiliating" human relationship between domestic help and the women whose children they are raising and homes they are cleaning. The author describes a fourth dimension when feminists worked to celebrate the work women did in the dwelling house and how this piece of work is at present being outsourced to other lower class women. But it is not merely the "women's work" that has been outsourced in the habitation. Many affluent men don't spend their weekends fixing a leaky piping, mowing the lawn, or cleaning the gutters. This traditional "men's piece of work" is outsourced as well, but with no guilt inducing commentary on the relationship between a man and his gardener.

Yes, at that place is a power relationship between domestic help and the dwelling possessor, it's one of a dominate and worker. The free marketplace dictates the demand for domestic help and the number of people employed in the profession shows that there is a ready supply of people willing to piece of work in these jobs. The authors point out that the women who piece of work as domestic assistance are often paid much higher than they can discover at other jobs, nevertheless the women who employ them are villanized.

Aug 05, 2018 rated information technology liked information technology
The all-time thing about this book was that information technology introduced me to contemporary concepts and ideas that I had non idea about when discussing about globalization. To able to come across how factors of globalization have changed the dynamics of relationships betwixt women and the guild and with other women from different social status. The fact that the book is composed of essays that discuss the about the position of adult female in globalization from varying perspectives made the reading interesting. Yet, I The all-time thing about this book was that it introduced me to contemporary concepts and ideas that I had not thought about when discussing almost globalization. To able to see how factors of globalization have changed the dynamics of relationships between women and the society and with other women from dissimilar social condition. The fact that the book is composed of essays that discuss the about the position of woman in globalization from varying perspectives fabricated the reading interesting. Nonetheless, I felt that the book was heavy in concent and thus I had to push myself to continue reading. Also, I realized that due to the fact that the authors of the essays are different only they all focus on the aforementioned subject in that location were many ideas that were repeated throughout the book. ...more than
Dec 11, 2014 rated it liked it
From my perspective, the purpose of a collection of essays on any subect is that each essay enlightens a detail side of an issue, until when you're done reading the book y'all go a global motion-picture show. Non so hither. At that place is a lot in this book about wealthy white American women on the i hand, and about struggling South East Asian women on the other, but nearly nothing about African, European and Latin American women of all races and classes. At that place is a lot near domestic workers but footling well-nigh From my perspective, the purpose of a collection of essays on whatever subect is that each essay enlightens a item side of an issue, until when you're done reading the volume y'all become a global picture. Not so here. There is a lot in this volume most wealthy white American women on the one paw, and about struggling South East Asian women on the other, but most nothing virtually African, European and Latin American women of all races and classes. At that place is a lot about domestic workers but little almost sex workers (just two essays out of fifteen deal with the subect).

Another reason why the book feels disjointed is that some of the essays are very personal and deal with individual stories, while others are drier and rely on statistics and academic studies. No single essay introduces an endeavor to offer a global movie of women'south migrations from Southward to North, and while the introduction is well-written (only, bluntly, places the bar likewise high and so that you terminate upwards disappointed past the essays), there is no general decision to the volume.

For a book nearly gendered piece of work, surprisingly few of these essays offering analysis from a feminist perspective. Actually, few offer any analysis at all, they just nowadays data and leave you lot to make of it what you volition -- which wouldn't necessarily be terrible if in that location was enough information in the book to help you lot become the whole moving-picture show.

I was besides uncomfortable with the ideologies put forward, in Ehrenreich's essay in particular. The question of whether Western women in the workforce can "have it all" is misogynistic in itself, merely to blame women who employ nannies and maids instead of blaming the half-assed Western governments which practise nothing to assist two-income families and unmarried parents care for their homes, children and dependants seems pretty hypoctitical to me. Similarly, the idea that poor countries in the global South demand to embrace gender egalitarianism to put an end to women'due south work emigration seems similar it conveniently sweeps under the carpeting the facts that, on the one manus, patriarchy was and is in many cases buttressed past colonialism and neocolonialism, and that, on the other hand, the economic imbalance that prompts these women to emigrate is also caused by Western countries in the kickoff identify. And of cousre, the essays in the first third of the volume that deal with immigrant workers from the points of view of the white American women who employ them are but infuriating (no one cares almost your qualms and moral dilemmas, this book wasn't supposed to be about you, only shut up already).

I got into this book with high hopes considering women's migrations is an important subject nigh which comparatively footling has been written in feminist circles, only I was disappointed at the lack of global analysis and viable solutions offered. I'd still recommend it for young women who want to learn a little well-nigh women migrants and the failures of second-wave feminism considering it's informative and piece of cake enough to read, but this is by no ways a landmark piece of work on the subject.

December 31, 2015 rated information technology information technology was amazing
A total 5 stars.

Having read Barbara Ehrenreich her book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America when it was newly published, I knew that she writes from both her mind and her middle. By writing in that way, I can better empathize with her field of study.

While men also immigrate internationally to discover piece of work, Ehrenreich has focused on the women. The women may immigrate legally with temporary documentation. Many stay in the countries that they take immigrated to past and sometimes years past tjeir

A full 5 stars.

Having read Barbara Ehrenreich her book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America when it was newly published, I knew that she writes from both her mind and her centre. By writing in that way, I tin can improve empathize with her subject field.

While men also immigrate internationally to notice piece of work, Ehrenreich has focused on the women. The women may immigrate legally with temporary documentation. Many stay in the countries that they have immigrated to past and sometimes years past tjeir allotted fourth dimension. Some merely simply travel illegally. Think Usa-Mexican border. Think travelling equally luggage. Think travelling using illegal documents. People are great because they do this. They are desperate to change their life experiences immediately or nearly immediately. They ften have hungry, ill-clad, and could-be homeless presently children. Even though Ehrenreich doesn't say, I strongly strongly suspect woman of those children need medical care. Women'southward choices are never easy. Mother's are all too often hard.

They women transport their money home to pay for the basics and more. They pay for pocket-sized pieces of land, small modest houses, vesture, education. To meet these goals, some women alive in virtual slavery, living in damp and un-air-conditioned basements. To meet adult female of these goals, women find themselves unable to tell the police because they have over-stayed their documentation, because they know no 1 else in U.s.a. who volition give them temporary shelter. All the while they become estranged from their husbands and children and all their other family members. Because they oft. piece of work as intendance providers or household workers, they have oft have no one to talk with that understands their difficulties. Too often they are judged by the native population, tjeir employers, their children. Yet immigrant women make information technology possible for professional women work andnhave tjeir business firm clean and their children tended to. Yet immigrant women make it possible for tjeir family members to have their needs met. Sometimes the immigrant women have social services bachelor to them. Just nowhere near often enough.

What is the crunch that creates a demand for immigrant worker women? Men too oft refuse to assist clean the business firm or tend to the children or intendance for the elderly family unit fellow member. Let's socialize our sins differently. I grew upward in a house where my brothers and I took terms at the same household chores. Sure they learned cars and I learned more advanced cooking; however I learned how to check my motorcar fluids and tires, and my brothers learned the basics of food grooming and kitchen cleaning. My son learned what my brothers learned and a bit more considering I was a single mom. My brothers taught him the car and angling stuff.

Feb 27, 2007 rated it actually liked it
Not quite as personal every bit Nickel and Dimed, this is definitely for the readers who prefer a bit more academia in their reading. Nevertheless, it's filled with interesting stories about the women behind the faces nosotros encounter on the news and across. One matter I really like most Ehrenreich is her ability to tackle the subjects that others detest to discover. Or rather, would like to Not observe. Poverty? Delight, of course people can alive off minimum wage! If they can't, they're just lazy or spendthrifts. Wom Not quite as personal equally Nickel and Dimed, this is definitely for the readers who adopt a fleck more than academia in their reading. However, it'southward filled with interesting stories nigh the women behind the faces we see on the news and beyond. Ane affair I really similar about Ehrenreich is her ability to tackle the subjects that others hate to notice. Or rather, would similar to NOT notice. Poverty? Please, of class people can live off minimum wage! If they can't, they're just lazy or spendthrifts. Women from "those" countries are always happy to come here, even if they go paid shit and are treated similar scum.

Excellent book. =)

Oct thirty, 2010 rated information technology it was amazing
A terribly depressing read fabricated even more depressing by the fact that these are the experiences of women all over the earth. These are their lives and they don't have the luxury of putting the book downwardly.

Despite that this volume is an enlightening read that makes you lot enlightened of your ain position in the earth. It simply scratches the surface of the injustices women feel in their lives all around the world.

One of the strengths of the book is the way in which the material is presented. It avoids

A terribly depressing read made even more depressing by the fact that these are the experiences of women all over the earth. These are their lives and they don't take the luxury of putting the book down.

Despite that this book is an enlightening read that makes you aware of your own position in the world. Information technology merely scratches the surface of the injustices women experience in their lives all around the world.

I of the strengths of the volume is the way in which the fabric is presented. Information technology avoids highly academic language and instead tells women's experiences as stories, making them accessible and tangible.

Sarah Shourd
May 16, 2008 rated information technology really liked it
Incredible much-needed look at women, labor and migration in the global economic system. Too many 3rd world women are globe-trotting to make full the "intendance sector" as nannies, housekeepers and prostitutes only to get out a "care void" behind due to strict traditional gender roles that say a adult female can't be the provider and a man is not supposed to be the family's source of dear and back up. This volume opened my eyes to some very important work that needs to be done to reconcile the relationship between women in Incredible much-needed wait at women, labor and migration in the global economy. Too many third world women are drifting to fill up the "intendance sector" as nannies, housekeepers and prostitutes only to leave a "intendance void" behind due to strict traditional gender roles that say a woman tin't exist the provider and a man is not supposed to be the family'south source of love and support. This volume opened my eyes to some very important work that needs to exist done to reconcile the human relationship betwixt women in adult and underdeveloped countries. ...more than
Galen Johnson
Feb 20, 2013 rated it actually liked it
This collection of essays was quite informative on frequently subconscious or avoided topics, the role of migrant women in the global economy working equally household aid and every bit prostitutes-- in essence, taking over the domestic roles that women become too busy, besides powerful, or just too disinterested and rich to play in their own household. The essays are mostly academic in tone, but accessible to the lay-reader (except possibly the final i) and tell a compelling story most both globalization and how far nosotros This collection of essays was quite informative on often subconscious or avoided topics, the role of migrant women in the global economy working equally household help and as prostitutes-- in essence, taking over the domestic roles that women become too busy, too powerful, or only besides disinterested and rich to play in their own household. The essays are mostly academic in tone, just accessible to the lay-reader (except maybe the final one) and tell a compelling story about both globalization and how far we still take to go in ridding ourselves of the idea of "women'due south work." ...more than
Jun 03, 2015 rated it really liked it
I read this volume for a form that I was taking. It was such an interesting read that I decided to keep the book. Depressing that women all over the globe are existence suppressed in one form or some other but nonetheless its informative and a proficient read. Thought provoking.
Mar 11, 2022 rated information technology it was astonishing
Global Woman shows that: WOMEN ARE RESILIENT POWERHOUSES. From showtime to cease this is one of the most eye opening books I read in my major. It puts it plainly in front end of you how our global economy is carried past the exploration of women. I was lucky to have this book paired with an amazing give-and-take in college. I recommend finding one to read or join online while you lot read. Take notes on your thoughts, discover give-and-take questions to consider, and challenge yourself to call back about exploitation versu Global Adult female shows that: WOMEN ARE RESILIENT POWERHOUSES. From commencement to finish this is one of the most heart opening books I read in my major. It puts information technology plain in front of you how our global economic system is carried past the exploration of women. I was lucky to take this book paired with an amazing word in college. I recommend finding one to read or bring together online while y'all read. Accept notes on your thoughts, find discussion questions to consider, and challenge yourself to think nigh exploitation versus empowered mobilization/bureau for each case and which could be at play (or is information technology both?). If you are a professor, assign this. ...more
Vanessa Nicolle
The entire showtime ii/3rds is so draining to read. It's all about injustices of migrant nannies, which is fine and what I expected, but information technology wasn't composed. Just a hodgepodge of essays and experiences. The volume doesn't whatsoever sense of solution, what the globe is doing about it, or how injustices affect the big picture. Information technology offers very piffling historical precedence too as to how and why countries are sending and then many migrant workers abroad. I like the idea of the book, but seriously a allow downwardly in execution The entire first 2/3rds is so draining to read. Information technology'due south all near injustices of migrant nannies, which is fine and what I expected, simply it wasn't composed. Just a mishmash of essays and experiences. The book doesn't any sense of solution, what the world is doing almost it, or how injustices affect the big picture. It offers very piddling historical precedence too as to how and why countries are sending and then many migrant workers away. I similar the thought of the book, only seriously a let downwardly in execution. Could be so much amend. ...more
Sep 13, 2017 rated it actually liked it
Proof that the "sensational" storylines on "Constabulary & Order" are all too truthful. Deeply disturbing how people can care for each other in the name of making money. Proof that the "sensational" storylines on "Law & Gild" are all also true. Deeply disturbing how people tin can treat each other in the proper noun of making money. ...more
Diane Burton
Jul xiv, 2018 rated it information technology was amazing
Best book I've read in a very long time. Everybody should read this. It was written about 20 years ago but is only as relevant today. Best book I've read in a very long time. Everybody should read this. Information technology was written virtually xx years ago but is just as relevant today. ...more
Dec 31, 2018 rated it actually liked it
A very interesting and important read. A scrap dated and some essays are stronger than others but overall very solid
These essays were mostly interesting, only the volume is quite outdated. Not the fault of the book, of class--information technology was written almost xx years ago. But perchance not worth reading at present.
Jun 30, 2021 rated it really liked it
Great book for those looking for international relations and global immigration from a feminist perspective.
Faith Chenesai
Jan 16, 2022 rated it really liked it
Interesting book nigh how female roles in offset-world countries have been transferred to third earth-country women, and how this all supports globalisation equally nosotros know information technology.
Apr 12, 2021 rated it it was astonishing
This book is very splendid. I really liked information technology.
This is basically a collection of essays in the supplementary roles adult female play which allow the great game of globalization to expand.

It starts with the stories of Phillipino women (and it should be noticed that the majority of cases in the book involve exploitation of S E Asians) who are hired past wealthy American working couples to perform the traditional female roles of childrearing, cleaning & cooking (keeping business firm basically).

With the Western adult female now fully engaged in the workplace a

This is basically a collection of essays in the supplementary roles woman play which allow the cracking game of globalization to expand.

It starts with the stories of Phillipino women (and it should be noticed that the majority of cases in the book involve exploitation of Due south E Asians) who are hired by wealthy American working couples to perform the traditional female roles of childrearing, cleaning & cooking (keeping firm basically).

With the Western woman now fully engaged in the workplace and no redistribution of hometasks, the couples accept to employ a nanny/cleaner/childminder to complete these tasks. In a way bringing the previously excluded expanse of "home" into the capitalist globalization market. Of class (as any Marxist/ Feminist knows) the driving force of capitalisation is exploitation and in the case of these women information technology is not simply their personal exploitation but also the exploitation of their families in their home country. They might offer love and intendance to western children but what becomes of their own offspring.

The book addresses a number of case studies in which traditional feminine roles are brought on to the market and considers the resultant exploitation; everything from cooking & cleaning to sexual activity is considered.

I enjoyed the book and I thought information technology brought up a number of interesting issues and considerations. Domestic labour is the undervalued, ignored and yet integral part of our daily routine, these were stories that had to be told. I likewise enjoyed that the blame was not laid at the door of western men or women but rather seen as the effect of the arrangement. In fact information technology was Sri Lankan "drunk" men who probably came off worst in the whole volume.

I only gave the volume 3 stars because I started to lose interest towards the end; rather than reinforcing the arguments it began to bore me and I wonder if a few less chapters might take been more appropriate. Similarly there were few discussions on those endeavouring to gear up the problem (although there was a list of organisations dealing with the issue). There was very little discussion on authorities policies or international corporations role in the exploitation and focus was very much on a household level, which I assume gives a one-sided view of the book.
I'm pretty sure it was meant every bit a political statement but I'm non certain who it was aimed towards, I'chiliad sure almost who would read the book would already take a minor grasp on the issues and those who practice not take such an understanding are unlikely to read the book in the showtime place.

However, criticisms aside, all in all I would recommend it. Certainly if you are interested in bug of exploitation and equity.

...more than
Jul twenty, 2011 rated it liked it
This book discusses how the "Western" woman is helping to oppress adult female from third globe nations past passing on the domestic work in their homes to those maids and nannies while they "liberate" themselves and go to work everyday. Information technology's an interesting perspective but of course it does not apply to a majority of "Western/American" women. Non all families can afford to accept domestic assist. Yet, to hear the stories of the women who are beingness "imported" to back up women who seek those careers that make This book discusses how the "Western" woman is helping to oppress woman from 3rd globe nations by passing on the domestic piece of work in their homes to those maids and nannies while they "liberate" themselves and go to work everyday. Information technology's an interesting perspective just of course information technology does non apply to a majority of "Western/American" women. Not all families can afford to accept domestic aid. Nevertheless, to hear the stories of the women who are being "imported" to support women who seek those careers that make them work long hours is heartbreaking. It is too crazy how Beginning World employers treat their domestic help and how they are threatened with immigration worries or how the domestic workers' passports are taken and they are forced to work for next to nix.

Nonetheless, the flip side to this story is that the men/husbands in tertiary world countries are failing to aid support their families, which forces the women to export their labor to First World countries. There are many stories told in the essays that show that the husbands waste product the married woman's remittances on drinking and gambling instead of using it for the children and the family. It seems that many of the women are leaving their families and countries for no other reason than to support their husband'due south vices.

To hear the stories of many women who are kidnapped or sold by their families and forced into prostitution is heartwrenching. I cannot even begin to understand the life that a women must live when this happens and to think that their families can't think of other ways to make ends meet is insane as well. I know that forced prostitution nonetheless occurs and it occurs in the U.South. as well equally all other developed nations...what tin can we do about information technology? What tin can nosotros exercise to ensure that young women are not treated like pieces of meat?

The writer gives a short list of organizations that practise aid women in bad situations. I definitely will exercise some research and add a new organization to the list of charities that I give to.

...more than
Barbara Ehrenreich is an American journalist and the bestselling author of xvi previous books, including the bestsellers Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch. A frequent contributor to Harpers and The Nation, she has besides been a columnist at The New York Times and Fourth dimension Magazine.

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